Installation Steps

Connecting Power

Use the black power adaptor provided. The red light will go on if it’s powered successfully. 

Connecting to the internet

Step 1: Please confirm that your account with the ISP is still available.

Step 2: Please connect the M2 to the modem that your ISP provided, use the ethernet cable(the red cable), plug one side in the M2 WAN port(the blue port), and plug the other side to the ethernet port of the modem(if the modem is a modem/router, please plug the other side to the LAN port). 

Connecting to Wi-Fi

Connecting to Wi-Fi with the Mercku App

Step 1:  Log into the Mercku App and connect your phone to the Mercku Wi-Fi, whose name looks like Mercku-XXXX

Step 2:  If there are already bounded routers with your account, click “Add a router” in the router list located at the top of the App homepage. Otherwise, the app will show you the page to add a new router. Then, click on “Connected already” and set up the router Wi-Fi details (Wi-Fi name, Wi-Fi password, and router admin password) and internet information(please refer to No. 4 for 3 ways of internet information)

Potential Issue:

If, when clicking on “Connected already”, the following pop-up message arises:  â€śPlease connect to Mercku Wi-Fi and try again”, select “Go to connect” and find Mercku Wi-Fi in the Wi-Fi list. Connect, return to the App, and try again.

If you want to manage your M2, please refer to step 3 and step 4 

Step 3:  After the router is setup successfully, please reconnect to the Wi-Fi and return to the App.

Step 4:  Click “Connected already” on “Connect to Wi-Fi” page, enter the admin password and click “Bind”. 

Connecting to Wi-Fi without the Mercku App

Step 1:  Connect your computer to the router either with Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi, access in your browser.  


Step 2:  You can set up admin password, Wi-Fi name, Wi-Fi password as well as other configurations for the router on the webpage(please refer to No. 4 for three ways of internet information) 


Step 3:  After configured successfully, the router indicator light will flash in green. Now you can reconnect to the Wi-Fi to get access to the internet and manage the router with Mercku App. 

Adjusting your settings based on the coneection with your ISP


If you want to connect to Wi-Fi with Mercku App

Step 1: Please open the Mercku App, log in to your account, select “Setting” and go to “Internet Setting”


Step 2: Choose DHCP, the configuration will be automatically assigned and you will be free to use the internet now

If you want to connect to Wi-Fi without Mercku App  

Step 1: Please access in your browser. 


Step 2: Please log in to your account, click “Setting” and “Internet Settings”


Step 3: Choose DHCP, the configuration will be automatically assigned and you will be free to use the internet now


If you want to connect to Wi-Fi with Mercku App

Step 1: Please open the Mercku App, log in to your account, select “Setting” and go to “Internet Setting”

Step 2: Choose PPPoE, you will need to input the PPPoE username and password from your ISP. After confirmation, you will be free to use the internet now. 

If you want to connect to Wi-Fi without Mercku App

Step 1: Please access in your browser. 

Step 2: Please log in to your account, click “Setting” and “Internet Settings”

Step 3: Choose PPPoE, you will need to input the PPPoE username and password from your ISP. After confirmation, you will be free to use the internet now. 

 Static IP

If you want to connect to Wi-Fi with Mercku App

Step 1: Please open the Mercku App, log in your account, select “Setting” and go to “Internet Setting”

Step 2: Choose Static IP and input the Static IP from your ISP. After confirmation, you will be free to use the internet now. 

If you want to connect to Wi-Fi without Mercku App

Step 1: Please access in your browser. 

Step 2: Please log in to your account, click “Setting” and “Internet Settings”

Step 3: Choose Static IP and input the Static IP from your ISP. After confirmation, you will be free to use the internet now. 

Potential Issue: 

If the indicator light is red, you need to change to another internet method.  

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